Tasty Main-Dish for Dinner

I use Jenny-O extra lean ground turkey, I don’t like the 7% fat one because I freak out on weird textures and one time I had the 7% and there were veins in it or something and I can’t hang with that. So anyhoo, 99% fat free is the way to go. It’s texture freaky friendly.

I fry it up in a skillet with some Lawry’s seasoned salt and melt Jarlsberg swiss on it and then put avocado on it. Nummy

Of course somehow this is probably totally wrong because cheese is a protein and turkey is a protein and you’re not supposed to mix proteins and I haven’t seen him say anything at all about cheese yet, so I prolly screwed the whole diet up already. When is my stupid book arriving?

*shoves chocolate bar in mouth to relieve stress*


  1. I made turkey chili the other day and it was incredible. Count even loved it. Healthy and yummy! I am going to make this work damnit….*looking for chocolate*

  2. Okay, I checked the book. You can breathe a sigh of relief. During the undereating phase, don’t combine proteins as you snack. Don’t have cottage cheese and a handful of almonds, etc…

    And you can have chocolate, but not with a meal you had carbs with (like pasta, bread, rice). Always consume the carbs as the last component of the meal. So, it looks like you did okay.

    I have skimmed the entire book now, so just email me if you have a question, while waiting for your book to arrive.

  3. You’re the best!

  4. My only reservation about this whole thing is the cost for all the “live” food. I am going to a co-op tonight to look for the organic/non-processed foods.

    Are you doing the protein shakes using the whey powder, for a recovery meal after working out?

    I have soooooo much to buy.

  5. Right now I’m just trying to alter my diet and I’m not too worried about it being organic, only because I cannot afford organic at this point as a family of 6.
    I mix my protein powder with my fruit in the morning and I also put bovine gelatin and coral calcium as supplements in the morning smoothie.
    I use Jay Robb protein powders, he’s on the net. chocolate is my favorite.

  6. Hey, I found you! Wow, it sounds like you’re using a rather complicated system. I sure hope it works for you.

  7. Oh I promise it’s not complicated. I’m just having a hard time because I’m reading from my computer and not from a book, so when I want to look something up I can’t just turn to that page. It’s really very simple.

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